miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

¡Ay! Más de 300 niños pre-adolescentes pasan por el quirófano en las mesas de la escuela en una circuncisión masiva en las Filipinas El ritual de la circuncisión, conocido como Tuli, es común en Filipinas, donde están circuncidados el 93 por ciento de los hombres Marikana ciudad, en los suburbios del este de Manila, ha conquistado el mercado de masas en circuncisiones En 2011, la ciudad trató de entrar en el Libro Guinness de los Récords, cuando fueron circuncidados 1.500 niños Guinness rechazó la oferta, diciendo que no aceptan las operaciones masivas por motivos de higiene ''

En la circuncisión Filipinas es una tradición para los niños que están a punto de entrar en la adolescencia. los niños no circuncidados a menudo terminan siendo molestado por sus compañeros, pero ya que estas imágenes muestran, el precio de la aceptación social es doloroso.
La circuncisión se asocia tradicionalmente con la cultura musulmana y judía, pero el ritual de 'Tuli' es común en las Filipinas, donde la mayoría de su población es católica.
Esta semana 300 niños comenzó el viaje tradicional en la edad adulta en un solo ejercicio circuncisión masiva en una escuela en la ciudad de Marikina, al este de la capital, Manila, Filipinas. Posteriormente se les anima a llevar ropa holgada falda similar y en el idioma local tagalog la inflamación que sigue a la operación que se conoce como pangangasim, que se traduce como "llegar a ser como un tomate '.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que informa de 30 a 33 por ciento de los hombres mayores de 15 años o más están circuncidados, pero en Filipinas la cifra es de 93 por ciento.
Hace cinco años 1.500 varones fueron circuncidados el mismo día en la ciudad de Marikina pero el Libro Guinness de los Récords Sea un valiente niño grande: Un joven hace una mueca como médico en las Filipinas lleva a cabo una operación de circuncisión en la parte superior de una mesa de salón de clases en una escuela Marikina City, al este de la capital, Manila
What have we left ourselves in for? The looks on these little boys' faces say it all. They look on in horror as one of their classmates goes under the knife. Circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin with a very sharp knife under local anaesthetic. 
What have we left ourselves in for? The looks on these little boys' faces say it all. They look on in horror as one of their classmates goes under the knife. Circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin with a very sharp knife under local anaesthetic. 
It will all be over soon, son: A father comforts his son a nurse performs the operation on his foreskin. Classrooms were converted into operating rooms during a school holiday for the mass circumcision in Marikana City this week
It will all be over soon, son: A father comforts his son a nurse performs the operation on his foreskin. Classrooms were converted into operating rooms during a school holiday for the mass circumcision in Marikana City this week
Blood brothers: Circumcision, known as tuli, is a coming of age ritual for boys in the Philippines. Although it is a Catholic country it is thought the tradition dates from the middle ages, when the archipelago was largely Muslim
Blood brothers: Circumcision, known as tuli, is a coming of age ritual for boys in the Philippines. Although it is a Catholic country it is thought the tradition dates from the middle ages, when the archipelago was largely Muslim
The gentler sex: A doctor and a nurse perform the operation on a boy in a school building, where sheets provide a modicum of privacy. The Philippines government funds an annual Operation Tuli to ensure circumcisions are carried out hygienically
The gentler sex: A doctor and a nurse perform the operation on a boy in a school building, where sheets provide a modicum of privacy. The Philippines government funds an annual Operation Tuli to ensure circumcisions are carried out hygienically
Back to school: Most of April is traditionally a holiday in the Philippines and schools are often converted into makeshift operating theatres to enable as many circumcisions as possible to be performed. Let us hope they clean up properly afterwards 
Back to school: Most of April is traditionally a holiday in the Philippines and schools are often converted into makeshift operating theatres to enable as many circumcisions as possible to be performed. Let us hope they clean up properly afterwards 
A stitch in time: Traditionally those undergoing circumcision were given some guava leaves to chew but nowadays the boys are given local anaesthetics to numb the groin area
A stitch in time: Traditionally those undergoing circumcision were given some guava leaves to chew but nowadays the boys are given local anaesthetics to numb the groin area
All in this together: A boy pulls a face as his classmates also undergo circumcision. The World Health Organization says circumcision can reduce the risk of heterosexual men getting HIV by 60 per cent
All in this together: A boy pulls a face as his classmates also undergo circumcision. The World Health Organization says circumcision can reduce the risk of heterosexual men getting HIV by 60 per cent
No classes today: School desks were converted into operating tables for the mass circumcision in Marikana City. The town, just east of Manila, is known as being the shoemaking capital of the Philippines
No classes today: School desks were converted into operating tables for the mass circumcision in Marikana City. The town, just east of Manila, is known as being the shoemaking capital of the Philippines
I can't face it: The circumcision operation can be done in only a few minutes. But it probably seems like an eternity for this young lad
I can't face it: The circumcision operation can be done in only a few minutes. But it probably seems like an eternity for this young lad
Holy hell: A young boy writhes in pain as a doctor carries out the operation. Circumcision was encouraged in 19th century Britain by the Victorian authorities who believed it might discourage masturbation, which they believed to be a sin 
Holy hell: A young boy writhes in pain as a doctor carries out the operation. Circumcision was encouraged in 19th century Britain by the Victorian authorities who believed it might discourage masturbation, which they believed to be a sin 
Family support: Fathers and mothers accompany their sons as they wait their turn for the operation. Uncircumcised boys are sometimes teased by their peers so the pain is worth it for the social acceptance
Family support: Fathers and mothers accompany their sons as they wait their turn for the operation. Uncircumcised boys are sometimes teased by their peers so the pain is worth it for the social acceptance
Will it be over soon? The vast majority of boys are circumcised in the Philippines. But a British judge ruled this week that boys in the UK should not be circumcised until they are old enough to make the choice for themselves
Will it be over soon? The vast majority of boys are circumcised in the Philippines. But a British judge ruled this week that boys in the UK should not be circumcised until they are old enough to make the choice for themselves
Glad that's over: A Filipino boy beams with delight when the circumcision operation is completed. He might not be smiling like that when the local anaesthetic wears off 
Glad that's over: A Filipino boy beams with delight when the circumcision operation is completed. He might not be smiling like that when the local anaesthetic wears off 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3545835/300-boys-undergo-mass-circumcision-Philippines.html#ixzz46PjsTGvZ
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